Departure and arrival
We have arrived and our new life begins!
We sadly left our home in Bedford, but not for the last time just yet. The removal lorry was packed to its’ limit, and is en route from the UK as I write this – Drive safely Brian! We’ve spent the weekend making space in the house for the lorry load of furniture and 100s of boxes! Its taken a lot of sweat and tears for us, carrying some items with me at 5’1″ and James at 6’6″ has proved interesting – with me shouting “I can’t see anything” as my face is buried in the side of a sofa… how did the removal men make it look SO easy? One of the ancient beds had to be hauled over the balcony, mattress
first to cushion the blow as it was just too big and too heavy for us to get down the stairs!
Tomorrow we have a White van to take all the old beds etc to the “dechétterie” (dump!). Its will be a full day of loading, lifting, and unloading…. before the huge lorry arrives on Tuesday & we do it all over again… and begin to settle in!
It’s so great to be here, tranquility surrounds us and I’m sure it won’t be long before we settle into a completely different rhythm of life. On my morning run I encountered 1 car, 1 human, many dogs, several deer and an uninterrupted view of the Pyrenees. I set up my Pilates mat in the barn and practised looking over the garden, listening to the birdsong and enjoying the spring blossom. We’ve just ‘done lunch’ in a local restaurant and are now in front of a roaring open fire – work has stopped for the day and we relaxing for the evening . All in all not bad for the first day of the rest of our lives!!
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